Soul Shoppe presents the

Digital On-Demand Course 

for kids aged 6-12 

Soul Shoppe Presents

Digital On-Demand Course for kids aged 6-12 

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Talking about racism is hard.

Talking with kids about racism can be even more challenging.

Often we tell ourselves that we should spare children the discomfort of facing tough issues head-on – that we should wait until they’re older. But what most parents don’t realize is that you are always communicating about race, whether you address it explicitly or not.
With an increased focus on racial justice taking place in our country, kids may feel confused and worried about how to relate to their peers and people of color. How do we supply them with the tools they need to grow in healthy ways?

We’ve developed a program that gives kids (and grown-ups) the self-awareness and social skills to navigate complex issues like racism with more confidence and consideration.

Join Soul Shoppe in our online on-demand course “Allies Against Racism,” a powerful way for classrooms and families to both begin and deepen their conversations around racism.

“Young children are hard-wired in their brains to notice differences and to categorize it… So it is vital during early childhood to put some context around making sense of differences.”

– Teaching Tolerance

Soul Shoppe brings our 20 years of experience to this monumental task of supporting kids and grown-ups by teaching them age-appropriate, mindful ways to engage these complex social issues.

In this course, our big-hearted facilitators walk through exercises that empower kids to ask questions, recognize racism, and express feelings that they might not have words for. 

We offer the tools to be an upstander and ally against racism.

Some topics we will address include:

Racism: Causing hurt and harm to someone because of skin color

Labels: How we can look beyond what we see on the outside

Target: Awareness of who is vulnerable because of labels

Protests: One way to take a stand for what you believe in

Upstander: Having the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it’s scary

Allyship: Speaking out when someone needs our help

Join our course and let’s engage in these conversations together so we can shape a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive world for the next generation!

What you get:

2 modules with over 25 mini-lessons tailored to the social & racial issues of our times

Practical and age-appropriate exercises to engage these complex issues including writing prompts, discussion, worksheets, and more

Soul Shoppe’s Allies Against Racism course is sponsored by Niantic Labs, the world’s leading augmented reality company and creators of Pokemon GO.

If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to set one up. Once you have an account, you’ll get access to the free preview.

Download A Free Activity: Interview An Ally

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Interview An Ally

Download our “Interview with an Ally” worksheet for a sneak peek at the lessons your little ones can learn in this one-of-a-kind, on-demand course.