Respect Differences

Available for Grade Bands K–3 and 4–6

A program focused on creating inclusive classroom environments that teaches students how to appreciate and celebrate uniqueness.

When kids don’t know how to appreciate what makes themselves or others unique, they can fall into patterns of bullying and teasing.

Our world is more diverse and interconnected than ever, which can be both exciting and confusing for our kids.

Respect Differences teaches kids how to recognize all the things that make us unique, building up their own self-esteem so they can show empathy and tolerance towards those who are different from them.

Respect Differences at a glance:

Digital Course

The digital course contains two lessons total (1 module). Each lesson takes 30–35 minutes to complete.

In-Person Workshops

Respect Differences in-person workshops are held as a set of two full-day workshops where our facilitators see each grade level separately (typically 45 minute to 1 hour for each grade).

Classroom Visits

Workshops can also be augmented with classroom visits, where our facilitators come into individual classrooms for more intimate group work and discussion.

Majik Kids App

This course includes our partnership with the Majik Kids app, offering audio stories, music, meditations and activities to spark creativity and joy. Schools who purchase this course automatically receive a free subscription to the app for all students.