Here’s the research we use to shape our programs.

We’ve tailored the guiding principles of our programs to meet with applied research.
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1. Reaching kids in elementary school (K-6) is a critical part of Soul Shoppe programs.
By middle and high school, it may already be too late to intervene. Research suggests that the 5-12 age window is the time to reach kids with school-based programs in Social and Emotional Learning.
Bringing our programs in at the elementary level prevents disruptive or harmful behaviors and supports effective learning. (Farrington, 1987; Lipsey & Derzon, 1998; Loeber, Farrington, Stouthamer-Loeber, Moffitt & Caspi, 1998).
2. Soul Shoppe uses metaphors and storytelling to reach children and leave a lasting impression.
Researchers recommend using literature in character development instruction, arguing that metaphors and storytelling can provide a source of psychological relief from various pressures and concerns, provide powerful role modeling, help to gain objectivity and awareness about various cultural / societal problems and their effect on them and serve as a mirror for oneself, ultimately increasing their insight into themselves (Cionciolo, 1965; Rudman & Pearce, 1988; Rasinksi& Gillespie, 1992; Galda& Cullinan, 2002).
3. Soul Shoppe focuses on universal rather than targeted approaches to bullying and interventions.
Many researchers verify the need to use a whole-school, universal approach rather than targeting specific students (Adelman & Taylor, 2000; Entenman, Murnen& Hendricks, 2005; Fekkes, Pilpers&Verloove-Vanhorick, 2005; Hendershot, Dake, & Price, 2006).
School-wide initiatives and structures as well as school culture and environment play a role in shaping students’ experiences and performance in the classroom (Bryk, Sebring, Allensworth, Luppescu, & Easton, 2009).
4. Soul Shoppe relies heavily on Mind-Body research.
The work of Daniel Siegal, M.D. co-founder of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, is a huge influence on our curriculum. Siegal emphasizes that when kids feel unsafe, their limbic system freezes up and it is then impossible for them to use their higher neo-cortex functions to learn.
Caine & Caine also provide research foundation directly as well as through the popularized techniques of their aggregated research by Eric Jensen.
Research also shows that being victimized, like in a bullying situation, also significantly increases the child’s probability of developing or contracting a new medical or psychological illness (Fekkes, Pijpers, Fredricks, Vogels&Verloove-Vanhorick, 2006).
We also use applied research to guide our four program themes.
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1. Anger Management, Emotional Self-Regulation
Social and emotional skills training leads to fewer classroom disruptions, decreased absences and higher grades (Shriver & Weissberg, 2005). Psychologist Daniel Goleman noted a decrease in classroom distractions and a significant increase in children’s capacity for attention and retention in direct correlation with their ability to regulate their emotions (Daniel Goleman, 1995).
2. Peer-to-Peer Education / Conflict Resolution
Researchers have reported the power of peer group intervention as the most effective form of intervention, and suggested that prevention/intervention programs provide students with the skill-building and support they need to do so (O’Connell, Pepler& Craig, 1999; Salmivalli, 1999; Sutton & Smith, 1999; Twemlow, Fonagy, & Sacco, 2004).
3. Empathy & Perspective Taking
Bullying and victimization also have a devastating effect on a child’s relationship with school and academic achievement. Researchers have found correlations with increased peer rejection and school avoidance. Bullies, bystanders and victims are significantly more likely to feel as though they do not belong at school, feel unsafe or sad and cheated if they could get away with it.
Moreover, victims and bully/victims were more likely to have lower achievement than bystanders (Hodges, Malone & Perry, 1997; Kochenderfer& Ladd, 1996). Other researchers have similarly found that bullying is associated with low school bonding, adjustment and competence (Glew, Fan, Katon et. al., 2005). Bullying also results in higher rates of truancy as well (Brown, Birch &Kancherla, 2005).
4. School Climate Research
Studies of human cognition have moved away from the idea of cognition as being isolated within an individual brain to depending on the contexts in which it exists, “including the environment, perception, action, affect and socio-cultural systems” (Barsalou, 2010, p. 325).
Shriver & Weissberg sum it up well: “The best social and emotional learning programs engage not only children but also their teachers, administrators and parents in providing children with the information and skills that help them make ethical and sensible decisions.”
Researchers emphasize that change takes time and that the total school atmosphere needs to change as reinforcements are implemented across school experiences (Farrell, Meyer, Kung & Sullivan, 2001, Gottfredson, 2001).

Teachers’ participation in school climate efforts are critical and program success is directly proportionate to their skilled participation. There’ a significant positive correlation between teachers’ level of participation and program success. Indeed, the more teachers participate, the more effective a program is (Twemlow, Fonagy, Sacco & Brethour, 2006).
References List — click to open
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