Tools of the Heart – our first course is online!
Soul Shoppe has been working hard to adapt to this “new normal” so we can continue providing your kids with the tools to thrive, even in the face of profound challenges. As a result, we’re proud to announce our first entirely digital course. Tools of the Heart combines breathing techniques, sharing exercises, art projects, and interactive videos to teach kids problem-solving and communications skills they can actually use in their everyday lives, whether they’re in the classroom or at home. This course was specifically designed by our SEL experts to help kids overcome isolation and strengthen their relationships in these challenging times. So far, the results speak for themselves! If you haven’t had a chance to test it out yet, we urge you to check out the free demo and learn more about how social emotional learning can empower your kid to share courageously and listen with compassion. Here’s what one parent had to say about our online classes last Spring: “Your online classes are a godsend right now as we find our way through educating our children at home. Thank you for doing this! My son is 9. [Soul Shoppe] is his FAVORITE thing to do EVERY DAY since you started. He LOVES it. He is literally peacemaking for our family. THANKS.” |