Earn $200/session while making an impact in the lives of parents and their kids.
Soul Shoppe is an award-winning Oakland-based program that delivers live workshops and trainings to elementary schools throughout the Bay Area and beyond. Our in-school programs focus on developing students’ social-emotional skills, bullying prevention strategies and peace-building tools. Our Parent Nights bring the fundamentals of our programs empowering parents with more empathy and better communication skills. We are looking to fill Parent Night facilitator/trainer positions for the 2018-19 school year.
Parent Night Workshop Facilitator Job Description
● PN trainers facilitate 60-90 minute sessions teaching core communication and empathy skills for children aged 5-12. Groups range from 20 – 100.
● PN trainers need to learn the script/flow for the evening, basics of Soul Shoppe programs/core skills, and must be able to engage large audiences with warmth, compassion and fun!
● Teaching, training, educational and/or performance experience a plus
● Must have a car and be able to travel to different schools sites in the morning or evening.
● Must be available to train for up to 10 hours in August 2018 (we’ll create training based on your availability) and attend group audition/interview on August 14th from 6-8:30pm.
All Soul Shoppe facilitators work part time, 1-2 trainings per week (Sept-May). The bulk of parent evenings happen September to December. We train facilitators thoroughly in August to prepare for the school year. Facilitators are assigned to specific schools based on school needs and location and have a special relationship with each school they serve throughout the Bay Area.
Learn more at
Stand & Deliver (group interviews/auditions) Tuesday, August 14, 6pm-8:30pm at our office in Oakland.
NEXT STEPS: By Thursday, AUGUST 9, 2018 Send your resume and cover letter to:
Include in cover letter:
1. Why this position speaks to you 2. Your experience with facilitating either communication skills or empathy building skills 3. Your experience with elementary school parents and kids