Summertime is here and we realize it’s a different kind of summer. There is a constant urgency in our world. We feel concern and outrage for children and families. We see what happens when government policy lacks compassion. For some Americans, these policies and practices are all too familiar. For others, it’s an awakening. Our hearts ache knowing that people who need our help are instead treated with no regard for their basic humanity. We know that the damage being done to parents and children is devastating. We are inspired by the protests and creative acts of kindness and resistance from across the country. The practices of empathy and compassion are more important than ever, not only in our legislative policies, but in all our circumstances.
It’s important for us to continue to use our voices and the power we have in order to build the communities we want to see. At the same time, we hope that during this summer you find some relief from the pressures of our world. These two ideas can co-exist and thrive together.
We founded Soul Shoppe in 2000 with the core commitment to change school culture through connection and curiosity, teaching empathy and compassion skills in order to eliminate bullying at its roots. The organization has touched the lives of over half a million children through its workshops and Peacemaker program. We know the work that we do is the foundation for deep change in our culture and extends well beyond the classroom.
Summer Resources for Parents
We know that being a parent can be challenging under the best of circumstances. Circumstances are clearly not at their best right now. Where do you go for help? This month, we’re offering some resources to support parents and the adults who want to stand with the youth in their lives. We aren’t affiliated with these organizations and don’t receive anything in return. We’re sharing these links because we think they are potentially useful. Some resources are directly relevant to current events while others suggest ways to build empathy, compassion and listening. And some resources are simply about fun activities to do together, because joy is the foundation from which we can act.
Immigration Resources:
How to Talk to Kids about Immigration and Family Separation
Know Your Rights Information on ICE and Immigration
Building Social Emotional Skills
Soul Shoppe Refresher Videos — building peacemaking skills–a great way to continue your or your child’s Soul Shoppe skills
Parent Resource Guide to Social Emotional Learning blogs, articles, and videos for parents about fostering kindness, empathy, gratitude, resilience, perseverance, and focus in children.
Bullying Prevention Resources
Stop Bullying: What You Can Do
The Consequences of Bullying – Fact Sheet
A Snapshot of Bullying in America (infographic)
Un Vistazo al Acoso Escolar en America
Cyberbullying Facts (infographic)
Datos Sobre El Acoso Cibernetico
“What Parents Should Know About Bullying”
Ideas for Preventing Summer Slide
Summer Fun with the Brain in Mind
Preventing Summer Slide: Why Not Try Internet Research?
Parents: Inspiring Readers Through the Summer Slump
Preventing Summer Slide (on a Budget)
Encouraging Science at Home Is Easier Than You Think
General Resources for Parents
Parent Toolkit – Support for parents on many topics: Academics, Social/Emotional, Health & Wellness, Financial Literacy, College & Career.
Parents Guide to Student Success – to see what your child will be learning at each grade level